PRICE OF PROJECT REPORT : Rs. 2000/- & Rs. 5000/- Each
PRICE OF PROJECT REPORT : Rs. 2000/- & Rs. 5000/- Each
PRICE OF PROJECT REPORT : Rs. 2000/- & Rs. 5000/- Each
PRICE OF PROJECT REPORT : Rs. 2000/- & Rs. 5000/- Each
A/C No.: 003701515498,
IFSC Code: ICIC0000037,
Branch: Preet Vihar, Delhi-110092
A/C No.: 0647899579,
IFSC Code: KKBK0004599,
Branch: Krishna Nagar, Delhi-110051
A/C No.: 2401210159574329,
IFSC Code: AUBL0002101,
Branch: Priyadarshni Vihar, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi-110092
Each Project Report contains the following details as under:
You can select projects from the followings:
Abrasive, Asbestos, Cement & Refractories Products, Abrasive Cloth, Abrasive Emery, Asbestos Cement Corrugated Sheet, Asbestos Cement Pressure Pipe & Fitting, Asbestos Gasket/Joining Sheet, Asbestos Ridges & Roofing Sheet.
Agro-based Products, Activated Carbon from Charcoal Coconut Shell, Activated Carbon from Wood, Rice, Husk & Coconut Shell, Alcohol from Molasses, IMFL (Distillery/Industry Alcohol), Alcohol from Potatoes, Alcohol from Rice Straw, Aloe Vera Processing & By-Products (Powder, Gel, Jelly, Juice & Oil), Amla Fruit Products with Preservation.
Bakery, Food & Allied Industries, Aerated Water, Alcoholic Beverages & Vinegar from Coconut Water, Amchur, Amla Fruit Products, Apple Processing, Aromatic Tobacco Flavoring Compounds, Asafoetida (Hing), Baby Cereal Food & Milk Powder.
Ceramic & Glass Industries, Alumina Ceramics, Laboratory Apparatus (Glass Wares), Automobile Rear View Mirrors, Beer Bottles from Scrap, Ceramic Core & Tubes, Ceramic Firing/Decorative tiles, Ceramic Powder, Ceramic Thread Guide, Crockery Wares (Bone China).
Chemical & Allied Industry, Acetanilide, 6 A.P.A., Acetic Anhydride, Acetone, Acetylene Gas, Activated Charcoal, Activated Calcium Carbonate, Activated Carbon from Rice Husk, Activated Fullers Earth, Alum (Ferric Alum & Ammonia Alum).
Construction, Hospitality, Medical & Entertainment Projects, Advertising Agency with Film Studio, Amusement Park, Banquet Halls, Biotechnology Institute, Cold Storage, Commercial Complex Multistoried, Designing & Beauty Parlor, Engineering College.
Cosmetic Perfumes Flavours And Essential Oils, Aerosol, After Shave Lotion, Agarbatti, Agarbatti Perfumery Compound, Air Freshner, Anti Dandruff Cream, Aromatic Perfumery Compound, Attar (Perfumes), Henna Paste & Powder, Baby Oil (Body Oil), Bath Soap (Perfumed), Bindia.
Dyes & Dye Intermediates, Azo Dyes, Benzidine, B-Naphthol, Brilliant Blue, Colour Cem, Congo Red, Copper Phthalocyanine, Denim Blue, Direct Black Dye, Disperse Dyes, Di-Sulphonic Acid (D.A.S.).
Electrical Electronic & Computer Based, ACSR & AC Aluminum Conductor, Air Conditioner (Window, Split and Package), Air Purifier (Electronic), Alternators, Aluminium Cables, Aluminium Cans for Capacitors, Aluminium Conductors, Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor, Armoured Cable.
Electroplating & Anodizing, Aluminium Colouring, Anodized Aluminium Labels (Anodizing Print), Anodizing of Aluminium, Barrel Electroplating (Zinc Electroplating on Nut Bolts, Washer, Barrel plating Compound, Brightness For Silver & Gold Salts, Cadmium Plating & Yellow Colouring, Chrome Plated Bathroom Fittings, Chrome Plating.
Gums & Adhesive, Acrylic Adhesives, Adhesive (Fevicol Type), Adhesive (Leather Based), Adhesive (Polyvinyl Butyral Based), Adhesive (Pressure Sensitive), Adhesive (Synthetic), Adhesive (Rubber Based), Adhesive Based on Polyurethane, Adhesive for Band Aid, Adhesive for Clutch Plate, Adhesive for Polywood, Adhesive for Stickers.
Infotech (I.T.) Projects, Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), Call Center, Computer Assisted Animation Unit, Computer Education Centre, Computer Software, Data Processing Centre, E-Commercial/E-Business, E-School, I.S.P. (Internet Service Provider), I.T. Enabled Services, Medical Transcription, Multimedia with Animations.
Ink And Stationery Products, Artists Colours, Automatic Pen Refills Plant, Ball Pen Nozzel, Ball Point Pen Inks & Refills, Book Publication Unit, Carbon Paper, Chalk Crayon, Computer Stationary, Diary, Book Covers, Purses, Disposable Ball Pens, Drawing Ink (Water Proof).
Leather & Leather Goods Industries, Fashionable Leather Goods, Leather Garments, Handmade Leather, Leather Binder (Resin Based), Leather Board, Leather Foam, Leather for Upholstery (Sofa), Leather Goods (Hand Gloves, Purses, Bags, Hand Bags etc.), Leather Shoes & Chappals.
Mechanical, Automobiles And Metallurgical, Acetylene Gas Cylinder, Agriculture Implements, Air Coolers, Air Filters, Allen Bolts, Alloy Steel (Special Steel), Alloy Steel Casting, Aluminium Utensils, Aluminium & Brass Doors Hinges, Aluminium & Steel Furniture, Aluminium Alloy, Aluminium Beverage Can, Aluminium Bottles/Containers, Aluminium Builders Hardware.
Miscellaneous, Hotels, Hospitals, Advertising Agency with Film Studio, Air Taxi, Amusement Park, Artificial Flowers, Schools, Colleges.
Oil & Fats, Break Oil, Cardamom Oil, Cashewnut Shell Oil, Castor Oil & Its Derivatives, Castor Oil Emulsifier, Citronella Oil, Clove Oil, Coconut Oil, Corn Oil (Maize Oil).
Paint, Pigment, Enamel & Varnish, Acrylic Emulsion Paints, Aluminium Paints, Automobile Paint, Automobile Polish, Bituminous Rod Emulsion, Cement Paint, Dry Distemper, Duplicating Ink, Emulsifier for Cutting Oil, Epoxy Paints, Heat Resistant Paints.
Paper, Pulp And Allied Products, Abrasive Paper (Sand Paper), Absorbent Kraft Paper, Ammonia Paper, Automatic Book Binding Unit, Bituminized Paper, Board from Rice Husk, Carbon Less Paper, Carbon Paper, Card Board Boxes, Card Board from Rice Husk, Card Board from Waste Paper, Card Board Paper, Rough Paper.
Pesticides & Insecticides, Aerosol Insecticides (Spray Baygon, Hit Type), Black Phenyl, Bleaching Powder, D.D.T., B.H.C., Melathion Formulation, Mosquito Repellent Agarbatti, Mosquito Repellent Coil and Mats, Pesticides Formulation.
Petroleum, Waxes & Allied Products, Automatic Candle Making, Bees Wax Manufacturing, Bitumen, Bitumenous Felts for Water Proofing and Camp, Boot Polish, Calcined Petroleum Coke, Carbon Black from Furnace.
Pharmaceutical, Drugs And Fine Chemicals, Tablets, Capsules, Adhesive Bandage (Pharmaceutical Items), Adhesive Tape for Hospital Use, Aluminium Hydroxide I.P. Gel Powder, Ampicillin, Ampicillin Tryhydrate Capsules with Strip Packing, Analgin, Anti Tetanus Vaccine, Antiseptic Liquid, Asprin, Ayurvedic Medicines, Ayurvedic Product.
Plantation / Cultivation, Amla Plantation, Coconut Plantation, Coffee Plantation, Eucalyptus Plantation, Floriculture,Herbs (Medicinal Plants) Cultivation, Mushroom Cultivation, Nursery Farms, Papaya Cultivation, Pineapple Plantation, Safed Musli Plantation.
Plastic & Rubber Industries, ABS Granules, Acrylic Based Industries, Acrylic Sheets, Acrylic Yarn, Air Bubbles Packing Films, Anti-Static Polythene Bags, Asphaltic Roofing Sheets, Tyres and Tubes, Auto Flaps.
Products From Waste, ABS Granules from ABS Scrap, Acrylic Sheets from Acrylic Scrap, Activated Carbon from Rice Husk and Saw Dust, Bio Coal Briquettes from Agriculture Cellulose Waste, Briquetted Fuel from Agrowaste, Caffeine from Tea Waste, Card Board From Rice Straw and Wheat Straw, Coal Briquette from Sugar Waste (Bagasse), Copper Products from Copper Scrap, Cotton from Waste Yarn.
Soap, Detergent & Cleaning Products, Acid Slurry, Synthetic Detergent Powder, Bleaching Powder (Stable), Blue Detergent Powder, Cleaning Powder for Utensils (Vim Type), Cold Cream, Cosmetics Industry-Shampoo, Spray, Perfume, Detergent Cake, Detergent Powder and Liquid Soap, Dish Washing Detergent, Dry Cleaners, Emery, White & Green Soap, Emulsion Soap for Woollen Textiles.
Textile, Hosiery & Garments, Textile Process House, Count Yarn, Absorbent Cotton, Acrylic Yarn Dyeing, Angora Rabbit Wool, Readymade Garments, Automatic Rope Plant, Baan Rope and sutli, Baby Diapers, Bandage Cloth Weaving on Power Looms, Banyans, Underwears & Socks, Bed Sheets, Bed Covers Furnishing, Black Cotton Insulation Tape.
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